
Concentration in Structural Anatomy and Rehabilitation Sciences

University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX

Minor in Museum Studies 

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL

Academic Appointments 



Professional Appointments

Research Grants


2021                      National Science Foundation BA-DDRIG ($24,087)

2020         Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant ($19,890)

2015           Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship ($5,000), U.S. Department of State



2016           “Analysis of Humeral Trochlear Angles as Possible Biological Sex Characteristic." Bess H. Ward Honors Thesis Award ($200), Florida State University

2015           “Analysis of Humeral Trochlear Angles as Possible Biological Sex Characteristic." IDEA Grant (formerly URCAA) ($3,500), Florida State University



2021               (In prep) Kelly, A. P., Ocobock, C., Butaric, L. N., Maddux, S. D. Energetic demands and    sexual dimorphism in Inuit nasal morphology.


2016            Pennavaria, A., Thomas, G.P. “Analysis of Humeral Trochlear Angles as Possible Biological Sex Characteristic.” The Owl: The Best of the Owl, Florida State University. Vol. 6. No. 1: 80-92



2021            Kelly, A.P., Maddux, S. D. Energetic Demands and Sexual Dimorphism in Inuit Nasal Morphology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. [Podium]


2021           Kelly, A.P., Maddux, S. D. Understanding Energetic Influences on Inuit Nasal Variation Using 3D Morphometrics. 2021 Texas Academy of Science. [Podium]


2021            Boyd, A., Anderson, S., Baker, S.A., Kelly, A.P., Garcia, G., Campbell, T.L. Preliminary analysis of sex-based differences in supratrochlear foramina prevalence. 2021 Texas Academy of Science. [Podium]


2020            Kelly, A.P., Ocobock, C., Maddux, S.D., The Interactive Influence of Climate and Energetic Factors on Human Nasal Morphology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Vol. 171, S63:139. [Podium]


2020            Yokley, T. R., Kelly, A.P., Maddux, S.D. Convergent Adaptation to Climate Extremes in Bear and Human Nasal Anatomy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Vol. 171 [Poster]


2020            Kelly, A.P., Maddux, S., Ocobock, C., The Interactive Influence of Climate and Energetic Factors on Human Nasal Morphology. Experimental Biology. FASEB J. 34. (S677)  [Poster]


 2020               Kelly, A.P., Ocobock, C, Maddux, S., Being Nose-y: Investigating the influences of climate and energetics on human nasal anatomy. 2020 Texas Academy of Science. [Podium]


2020            Kelly, A.P., Maddux, S.. The Interactive Influence of Climate and Energetic Factors on Human Nasal Morphology." 2020 Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB). [Poster]


2019            Kelly, A.P., Maddux, S.D. The interaction of climatic and energetic factors on human nasal morphology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Vol. 168, S68:122. [Poster]


2019            Kelly, A.P., Maddux, S.D. “Balancing climatic and energetic demands within the human nose.” 2019 Texas Academy of Science. [Podium]

2018            Kelly, A.P., Maddux, S.D. The Interaction of Climatic and Energetic Factors on Human Nasal Morphology. Proceedings of the Texas Association of Biological Anthropologists Annual Meeting. Vol. 2018, 13. [Poster]


2017            Pennavaria, A., Maddux, S.D. Sexual Dimorphism in the Trochlear Angle of the Humerus: A Preliminary Investigation in Hunter-Gatherers and Agriculturalists. Proceedings of the Texas Association of Biological Anthropologists Annual Meeting. Vol. 2017, 23-24. [Poster]


2016            Pennavaria, A., Thomas, G.P. Analysis of Humeral Trochlear Angles as Possible Biological Sex Characteristic American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Vol. 159, S62:250.  [Poster]


2016            Pennavaria, A., Thomas, G.P. Analysis of Humeral Trochlear Angles as Possible Biological Sex Characteristic. Southeastern Evolutionary Perspectives Society (SEEPS) 2016. [Poster]

2021, American Association of Anthropologists 

AAA-AAPA “Anatomy in Anthropology” Student Presentation Award

Awards & Honors
